Gender: Hero: Caillen Dagan, smuglerHeroine: Desideria Rating: 5*I absolutely love SK! I've never read a book of hers that I hated and I think I've read almost all of them! Caillen's book takes place in a matter of days, a week at most. It has so much action, humor, great characters that I couldn't put it down, and when I had to I was like "What will Cai do?" "What happened to his dad?" "Will Desideria measure up to him?"(that was my envy there :D).Caillen, at first, seems such a devil may care kind of guy that you don't think that underneath all that charm and bluster is anything else. He'll do anything for family, even give his life for them(some more seconds and he would have). Desideria is part of a warring culture that loves strength and... well, it's emotionally stunted. She is The secondary characters rock! Fain and Dancer(I think his parents were mocking him when they choose that name:D) Hawk rock! They are funny and sarcastic and brave(and hot, I didn't want to say this 'cuz people my think me shallow :D), my favorite type of characters! The twist about Darling I didn't expect, but I can't wait to see how she twists it.I sure missed a SK story and can't wait for the next :)